Monday, January 30, 2006

Ray's Full Moon BBQ

We (Mom, Tom, Jessie, Tim, Lisa, and I) went downtown to Ray Lewis' Restaurant for dinner. Lisa got a stuffed potato for dinner, it was HUGE!!

Ravens Beat the Vikings!!!!

Tim and I went to our first Ravens game at M&TBank Stadium on Christmas day, and we had a BLAST!! It was so much fun! I cheered my little heart out for my team and my favorite players. And joined the "chaing gang" for every Ravens first down! We went with Tim's parents and Julia and Vince. Our seats were great and we even got to hang out in the pregame tent to fill up on Outback food. I never thought that I would ever spend a Christmas bundled up in a tent outside the stadium eating steak and wings from Outback. It will be a Christmas that I will never forget!! I even got to meet one of the birds (I think it was Poe)!

Merry Christmas!!

The Myers family celebrated Christmas eve in the usual tradition this year. We had dinner at the Manor Tavern in Monkton, Md, then went to midnight mass at St. Joseph's. Christmas morning was spent at the Myers' house and then it was off to see the Ravens play!! Here are some pics from Christmas morning!

The Draw Party

Jessie and Lilly
Conner and Lilly
Beth, Lilly and Jessie

Christmas Eve Brunch 2005.

Georgia Tech

Gameday came for the Georgia Tech game! This is as close as we may ever get to Chris, Kirk, and Lee!!