Sunday, December 06, 2009

Getting in the Christmas Mood

I helped Mommy decorate the house for Christmas!

I learned all about Santa Clause. I'm going to be a very good girl, so I can be on the "nice" list!

Get a load of these antlers! I'm only putting up with this foolishness because it might earn me some more presents under the tree.


We had a fun Thanksgiving this year. We had family and friends from Baltimore, Charlotte, and Durham to our house for Thanksgiving dinner. Our cousins, the Dericksons, stayed for a few days to visit.

On Friday we took a break from Turkey and went to the "Q Shack" for some North Carolina Bar-B-Que.

This is Rachel hanging out with cousin Lilly.

Our Thanksgiving day even had a birthday party! Happy Birthday Lilly!

Here we are on Thanksgiving Day with our friends the Parsons. Next Thanksgiving there will be 8 of us!


Uhh, guys... I don't think this is how it's supposed to fit.

I love my new friend, Beckett, who is soft and fun to snuggle with.

Here I am on my tummy.

Has anyone seen the football I was just playing with?

Its gameday! Mommy and Daddy let me wear my Virginia Tech booties that Miss Elizabeth made for me on game days.