Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Avery's Baptism

We went to Wilmington, DE for our niece, Avery Charlotte's, baptism. Rachel was all tuckered out from playing with her cousins.

Rachel and Avery meet for the first time.

Avery and Uncle Tim

Vince, Julia, and Avery with Father Jerry.

Rachel with her cousin Maureen Henning

With the LoBoscos

The Myers family

Vince, Julia, and Avery with Granny.

Avery Charlotte with Auntie Charlotte

Grandmom and Grandfather with their granddaughters, Rachel and Avery

Rachel with her cousin Kate Wellner

Grandfather holding Avery, with her LoBosco cousins

Green veggies and a trip to Baltimore

You're not gonna believe what my parents tried to feed me!!!

Peas!! Yuck!!!

Mammy reading Rachel and Easter story.

Rachel, Heather, Jessie, and Guinness the bull dog.

Rachel and Aunt Jess.

March 2010

I can scoot around really well now, except I get stuck under things when I go backwards.

I love playing with blocks.

So far, Carrots are my favorite vegetable.

Daddy was making me laugh really hard in this picture!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The past 2 months....

Rachel looking cute. Yes, this is a Green Bay Packer PJ's. They were a gift from Uncle Shane.

I can rock back and forth on my hands and knees. The only problem is that I can't play with my toys this way.

Here's Rachel sitting at the table in her booster seat. She likes being up where the action is.

Here I am trying my first "solid" food, rice cereal.