Thursday, April 29, 2010

March for Babies

Thanks to all who supported our March for Babies! This year, we walked with our friends Dawn (who works with Heather), Kelly, Chris, Sydney (2 years), Chase (3 months), and Reese (3 months).

Getting big

I can sit in a high chair now!

I've outgrown my whaler tub. My next bath will be in the bathtub, like a big girl!

Fun in the Kitchen

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Live action film

We can make 15 second videos with our camera. Here a couple of our movies. Enjoy, Heather

Swimming Lessons

I love swimming! We sing songs, splash, blow bubbles, swim around with toys, and jump into the pool. The water is so much fun!

Mad Skilz

I can do lots of new things. Now, I can stand up in my play pen and in my crib. I got so good at it, that Mommy and Daddy had to lower my mattress so I wouldn't fall out.

My new chompers

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Heeeeeeeeeeere's Rachel!

Here I am! My mommy got really behind on sharing my pictures. I've been pretty busy these last couple of months. Instead of flooding your inbox with gigabytes of photos, you can just visit the blog directly at to see pictures of me doing new things like crawling, playing, sitting in my booster seat, trying vegetables, meeting my doggy friend Guinness, and going to my cousin Avery's baptism. This weekend, Mommy and Daddy are taking me to an Easter egg hunt to meet the Easter Bunny. So, keep an eye out for those pictures.
Enjoy!! Love, Rachel

I'm gettin' around

I can pull up to the coffee table all by myself! Currently, my favorite toys are blocks. I especially like these little wood blocks because they fit in my mouth and make lots of noise when I bang them.

Daddy plays blocks with me.

Now that I can crawl, I get into everything everywhere all the time.