Saturday, August 28, 2010

Chincoteague Park

We found a pirate ship at the park. Good thing I wore my pirate T-shirt! I played with Mommy, Mammy, and my godfather, Uncle Michael. It was great fun!!

I showed Uncle Michael how to go through the tunnel. I wasn't scared.

Here I am on the swings. Mommy let me go high! I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it either.

National Wildlife Refuge - Assateague, VA

We went to the National Wildlife Refuge on Assateague Island. There was a lot of room for Rachel to run around. She loved all the buttons you can push to turn on the display lights and animal sounds. She takes after Mommy and Daddy, who always stop to read the plaques.

This squirrel is as big as ME!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Fun at Refuge Golf

Move over Fred, Rachel is driving!!

They said I was too little for bumperboats...maybe next year.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Assateague Lighthouse

My first pony ride

I rode my first pony in Chincoteague. Her name was Summer Seacret! It was a lot of fun. We went around the ring three times and I got a special ribbon when I was done!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Reel Time

We spent a half day about 6 miles off of the Assateague shore aboard the Reel Time. Captain Fred and his first mate, Mason, took us wreck fishing. We caught trigger fish, a king fish, lots of sea bass, oyster crackers, and a couple of blowfish. The crew for the day was me, Tim, Chris (our brother-in-law on the left), Shane (Heather's brother, behind Heather), Dave (our Cousin), and his son, Conner.

Tim's blowfish before....

...and after.

Rachel Lane, Chincoteague VA

Duck Park

Duck, NC

We spent the first week of our summer vacation in Duck, NC. This was Rachel's first beach vacation. She loved it! She had fun in the sand and in the waves! Here are some pictures of us in Duck. We were there with Grandmom, Grandfather, Aunt Julia, Uncle Vince, and Cousin Avery.

Rachel loved bike riding. She would have liked it better without the helmet. But, once you got moving she forgot all about it. We biked to the beach almost every day, and biked into town a few times too.

What a great way to relax after a day in the sun. Mommy bet Daddy that I couldn't finish five pina coladas...almost there! Just kidding. Mommy did let me have a taste of the whipped cream. Yummy!

I had a whole week to explore a new house. I pretty much had it covered in two days. There were lots of stairs to climb and railings to peek through.

Rachel's first experience with sand. She liked to dig it and wreck Daddy's castles. Sometimes she even found shell to taste. Luckily she decided that sand tasted yucky early in the week.

Playing pirates with Grandfather.