Thursday, January 27, 2011

First Pigtails

Birthday Party

Rachel's friend Sydney turned 3 this week! Here are some pictures from her party this past weekend.

Thursday, January 06, 2011

White Christmas in North Carolina

We had about 6 inches of snow fall in Durham. It started Christmas evening and was so pretty to wake up to the next day. Rachel got some sand toys for Christmas that worked just was well for playing in the snow.

This picture was taken after Daddy threw a snowball at me. I was kinda mad 'cause it hit me in the face. I got over it pretty quick :)

Christmas Morning

That's a really big sippy cup PopPop!

Anxious to see what Santa brought.

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas Eve with Mom, Tom, Shane, and Lauren. Here are some pictures from dinner. Earlier in the day we took Rachel to see Santa Claus which was worth the wait. I didn't take many pictures with my still camera, but we did catch her reading a book with him and giving Santa a high five on her way out on video. Too cute. Tim, Shane, Lauren, and I ended the day with midnight mass at St. Thomas More. Mom and Tom stayed home to babysit. Enjoy the pictures!

All tuckered out after seeing Santa. Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho.....