Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ganyard Hill Farm

Lisa and Karl came to visit from Baltimore last weekend. We went to Ganyard Hill Farm and had a great time!

Rachel sitting on a giant bale of hay.

She loved the orange balls. Anything round is a "Ba!"

This reminds me of Little House on the Prairie opening credits.

We went on a hayride after our trip through the corn maze.

Picking cotton.

Rachel loves crawling through tunnels. This one was under the giant haystack.

Little baby, big tire. That's Farmer Ganyard on the tractor.

"Hi Cows!"
Looking at the cows with Daddy.

I think her favorite part was the corn crib. I think it reminded her of the sand at the beach...except messier!

Here's Rachel in the toddler maze. She did the whole thing.

Visiting with the pigs and goats.

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