Monday, November 01, 2010

Halloween... Candy Candy Candy Candy!!!!!!!!

Rachel was having fun with her loot. If she only knew what was inside those fun shiny wrappers...
Trick or treat?!?!

Rachel met a new friend, Oscar the dog, at our community Halloween party.

Picking out a pumpkin to paint. We eventually talked her into a smaller one.

On my way to the party.

Here's my costume!! I was Little Miss Muffet, but I'm not afraid of spiders at all!

Rachel during the Halloween Parade at her school. She had the best parade wave.

Everyone waited their turn to get into the strollers. Some of Rachel's classmates aren't good walkers yet, so they used the strollers, which was a good idea but you couldn't see the costumes.

Before the parade, moms and dads were invited to share the Halloween party snack with the kids. What's the only way to get ten one-year-olds to stay still at the same time? Feed them cheesy poofs. It was a very fun party!

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